Mobirise Website Builder v4.10.4

PBC's Library Services

We offer great discounts on books, easy-to-use order forms, series & book recommendations, and more. Plus, we offer a full range of library services, including Shelf-Ready Processing! Learn More About:

Our Lists Are Now Online!

Visit our online title database for recommendations for new releases, award winners, manga, graphic novels, warehouse bundles and more!

Build a Quote Online

Use our new tool to build a list online and submit it for a quote!

ALL Formats Accepted - Amazon, Excel, Word, Library Catalog System, Etc.

Submit Your Own List

Shelf-Ready Library Processing

Watch the PBC Process:

Our Standard Processing Includes: MARC record, 1 smart barcode label, 1 spine label, taped mylar on jacketed books (if no jacket, barcode and spine labels will have label protectors).

Our Processing Menu

Standard Processing

Price Upon Request

MARC record, 1 smart barcode label, 1 spine label, taped mylar on jacketed books (if no jacket, label protectors are applied).

Theft Protection Strips

Price Upon Request

Between-the-page style 3M Tattle Tape theft protection strips affixed to every book.

Accelerated Reader


526 field information included in MARC Record. Does not include a printed AR Label.

Pocket & Card Label Set


If requested, we can send your school the pocket and card label set with your order.

Reading Counts


521 field information included in MARC Record. Does not include a printed RC Label.

Extra Label Sets

Price Upon Request

If requested, we can send a duplicate label set (barcodes and spine labels) with your order.

Need Something Not Listed?

Email us for more information:

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